We need you! There are many ways that you can be a part of the Grand Teton Film Festival. Volunteers are needed to staff every event and every activity to ensure that operations flow smoothly and, more importantly, that festival attendees have a great time. Check out the many Volunteer Positions below and decide how you can help us. Submit your information at the bottom.
Volunteer Positions
VIP Attendants will be assigned to a special guest to act as the liaison between the guest and other Festival personnel. You may also be required to provide transportation for the guest to and from Festival activities as well as attend to any special needs the guest might have while at the event. If necessary, you will be required to act as a buffer between the VIP and other festival attendees. You must comport yourself professionally, speak respectfully, and maintain the VIP’s privacy at all times.
Gift Shop Attendants will be assigned to staff the general store and will be responsible for selling Festival merchandise. You will also be responsible for selling filmmakers’ merchandise that they deliver to the Festival. You must have good math skills, the ability to operate a register as well as process electronic transactions, operate a computer, and keep an accurate inventory. You are required to have good people skills, be bright and energetic, and be proactive in promoting Gift Shop purchases.
Administrative Assistants are tasked with carrying out various errands or assignments from the Festival Officers or Committee Members. You may also be assigned to assist with or take over other volunteer duties if the need arises. You must be able to work efficiently while assuring accuracy. You must also be proactive in determining needs or wants of Festival Officers and Committee Members and be able to troubleshoot issues or concerns. Accept directions and follow through.
Event Assistants are assigned to Coordinator on the Festival Committee to assist in their responsibilities which canvases the preparation of all festival venues, ensure that festival programs start and end on time, supervision of Ushers, Door Attendants, Box Office Attendants, Gift Shop Attendants, and VIP Attendants as directed by the Coordinator. You may also be asked to assist with or take over other volunteer duties if the need arises.
Door Attendants are responsible for monitoring admission into Festival events and activities. You are required to have knowledge and understanding of all tickets and passes in order to assure there are no violations made by Festival attendees who may be trying to enter Festival activities or events without proper admission. You work under the supervision of the Event and Ticketing Coordinator and their assistants.
Event Ushers guide attendees in finding event locations, seating, and restrooms as well as distributing Festival programs. You are also responsible for distributing and collecting the audience voting ballots after each screening program and securing the votes in the ballot box. You may also need to assist with security issues and be prepared to direct attendees in the event of an emergency situation. You are responsible for welcoming all attendees and maintaining order at all festival locations.
Box Office Attendants are responsible for the vending of Festival tickets and passes. You must have knowledge of all Festival tickets and passes in order to help attendees make informed decisions regarding which ticket or pass to purchase. You will also monitor and distribute tickets and passes held in Will Call. You must have good math skills, the ability to operate a register, process electronic transactions, and operate a computer. Must be bright and energetic when helping guests.
Experienced videographers and photographers are needed to document Festival activities. Both must have their own camera equipment and be able to work independently or as a team. One person from each field will be selected as a Team Leader who will direct the others in coverage of the Festival. They will be supervised by the Festival’s Marketing Director. Samples of work must be provided as consideration for this position.
Stage Hands are responsible for the technical and production elements of the Award Ceremony and Celebratory Concert. You will be responsible for setting and preparing the stage, assisting with props, directing ceremony presenters, giving cues, assisting the orchestra and conductor, and other duties as needed. You may be required to lift heavy objects. You are also required to attend all tech rehearsals, run-through’s, and sound checks.
Event Security personnel will be assigned to an Officer from the Rexburg Police Department to help monitor festival activities for unruly guests, criminal activity, and entry to an event without a ticket as well as respond to emergency situations and assist festival attendees. You will report suspicious or criminal behavior to the law enforcement officer assigned to that event. You will ensure the safety of festival attendees, keep order, and enforce the Rules and Regulations of the Festival.
Volunteer Requirements
All volunteers will have free access to all Festival activities (including the Award Ceremony) and may participate in them as long as it does not conflict with their responsibilities. Please note the following requirements for volunteer candidates:
- The deadline to submit volunteer applications is May 1, 2020. You will be notified of your acceptance by May 6, 2020.
- You must be at least 18 years of age to volunteer.
- Volunteer positions are non-paid.
- You must have access to your own source of reliable transportation to arrive at festival locations.
- You must be able to report to your assigned duty on time and remain for your entire shift.
- You must wear approved festival attire at all activities which includes a T-Shirt (that will be provided to you) as well as blue jeans and comfortable shoes. Distressed, baggy, tight-fitting, cargo, leggings, and capri-style pants are not acceptable. Open-toed sandals and flip flops are not allowed.
- Men must be clean-shaven or have a well-trimmed beard or goatee. Hipster and lumberjack beards or mustaches are not acceptable.
- Men and Women must practice good hygiene by: showering or bathing prior to the Festival; using deodorant/antiperspirant; having clean, white teeth and fresh breath; and having clean hair with a groomed hairstyle. Messy or unkempt hairstyles and distracting hair colors are not acceptable.
- Some positions may require you to stand or walk for long periods of time.
- You must be able to communicate well with other volunteers and festival attendees.
- You must be courteous and pleasant while performing your duties.
- You must be able to receive direction from team leaders, coordinators, and festival officers and carry out those directions willingly even if it means a change to your assignment.
- You must attend the mandatory training meetings held before the festival.
- Your application to volunteer does not guarantee acceptance. You will be notified by the date specified above (via the email address you provide on your application form) if you have been selected or not. Those that have been selected to participate will receive further details.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that the email address you provide on the volunteer application form is correct. GTFF accepts no liability for lost, undeliverable, or diverted communications as a result of incomplete or inaccurate email addresses. It is also your responsibility to check for communications from GTFF that may have been inadvertently filtered by your email service to spam or trash folders.
- Please do not contact us to inquire about your application status before May 6, 2020. If 48 hours have passed from that date and you have not received an email indicating that you have been selected or not, please contact us at volunteer@grandtetonfilm.org.
- If you need to correct information on your application or would like to withdraw it, please contact us at volunteer@grandtetonfilm.org.
There are two (2) Mandatory Training Meetings that you must attend or you will be asked to not participate with us and your position will be given to another candidate.
If you meet the requirements and are interested in volunteering at the Grand Teton Film Festival, please submit your information below.